DivioTec Supports LPR Software Over 100 Regions


DivioTec has invested significant resources and time and to develop superior license plate recognition solutions with numerous software partners around the world. Our LPR Software Partners consists of vendors specializing in OCR and intelligent traffic management system that have properly tested compatible with DivioTec cameras and features. DivioTec LPR solution supports over 100 countries, states and regions around the world and our partnerships are the driving force behind our success.

DivioTec develop "LPR Auto Truck Weighing Solution" and "Waste Collecting Area LPR Solution" with software partner Elimos

DivioTec complete full integration with Digifort

DivioTec release compact LPR parking solution with software partner NumberOk
For more information, please contact our sales team now: sales@diviotec.com